Travis Moon

Executive Director/Owner

As the Executive Director, Travis oversees and manages all the rigging and equipment at The Apollo Center. He most recently was accepted as a prospective member of the Alpine Rescue Team for the class of 2022. As part of the Alpine Rescue Team, he is expanding his knowledge of rigging, rappelling, knot tying, ice climbing, rock climbing, as well as receiving ongoing medical training.

Growing up, Travis participated in numerous competitive sports and martial arts training. In high school, he joined the JROTC, Junior Reserve Officer Training Course, which provided him an education in discipline, respect and leadership techniques.  JROTC propelled his interest in furthering his knowledge in outdoor skills such as rock climbing, rappelling and knot tying. He discovered aerial arts as the perfect way to pursue all of his hobbies and ambitions.

Travis started his aerial training under the direction of Emmy Moon and together they created Iluminar Aerial. Travis has continued his training with Blue Lapis Light, Wise Fool, the Aerial Dance Festival in Ireland and Boulder, and rope with Daniel Sullivan, Josh Rigo, Lisa Natoli, Rachel Strickland, Shayna Swanson, Teo Spencer & Emiliano Ron. He has had the privilege to teach and perform at many different events around the United States and in Ireland.